News Release - Statement from Mayor Lovely A. Warren on Anniversary of September 11 Attacks

City of Rochester

News Release

(Monday, Sept. 10, 2018) – I encourage citizens to reflect on the sacrifices made 17 years ago on Sept. 11, 2001. Specifically, I urge citizens to remember the lives lost and forever altered by this tragedy. I further ask that we show heightened gratitude and respect to our first responders and military personnel, whose unwavering service and bravery continues to represent the love we all hold for this great nation.

We must never forget the harrowing events that played out on that day. And we will never forget how the courageous actions of first responders, military personnel, and Good Samaritans have since become a symbol of hope, democracy and the American spirit. Their service and values revealed the very best of our nation on one its darkest days.


News Media: For more information, contact Press Officer Jessica Alaimo at 428-7135.