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Greening the Public Market


At the City of Rochester Public Market, we strive to be a model of environmental stewardship.  Here's some actions we've taken to make the Market more ecological: 

New Indoor Shed and Food Stands:  The  $8.5 million Market renovation and expansion project finished in 2017 features the complete replacement of the indoor, or "B" Shed and the replacement of the four stand-alone food stands on the grounds of the Market. These state-of-the-art modern structures are much more energy efficient (e.g. LED and photo cell controlled lighting, air curtains to control heat loss) and provide better amenities and comfort for vendors and shoppers.  

Solar Panels.  Atop the historic, curved "A" Shed are 66 solar panels that generate clean, green renewable energy for the Market and also for the power grid when the demand at the Market is low. Since deployed, this modest but mighty solar array has prevented hundreds of tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere!   


Flower City Pickers : Thanks to the initiative of this non-profit and its dedicated volunteers over the past decade, thousands of pounds of food is collected weekly from vendors or 'rescued' at the Market, and delivered to a wide array of community organizations that serve citizens in need. In addition, the pickers divert waste food destined for the garbage and get it to local farms for livestock feed or composting. Learn more (and volunteer!) at

Bike Infrastructure and Programs: Those who ride their bikes to the Market are making significant contributions to improved air and water quality--as well as to their own health. We've installed covered bike parking as well as racks throughout the grounds, and offer a bike path and bridge directly onto the Market grounds from Scio Street. We also offer the Best Parking at the Market incentive/reward program for those who bike to the Market!  

Our work to make the Market more bike-friendly is part of the City's overall extensive efforts to grow this pollution-free mode of transportation.  See more about the City's Bike Plan and initiatives, which includes bike lanes, bike "boulevards," bike sharing, and more.    

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations:  In the Market lot at the corner of Trinidad and Union Streets are electric vehicle charging ports! These are part of the City's EV Charging Station Program that makes it easier for EV drivers to power up all across the city. 

Cardboard Compactor:  A large onsite cardboard compactor aids the Market's quest to recycle more of the mountains of cardboard that is generated at the Market. 

Nature at the Market Series: Each year, we invite environmental organizations from around the region to interface with Market-goers about important environmental issues.  (Are you an environmental organization that would like to take part in the series? Get in touch with us at  

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