Edgerton Stardust Ballroom
41 Backus Street
Rochester, NY 14608
United States
When can I reserve this facility for an event?
- If it is a private event.
- If there is no selling or giving away food, beverages, or any other items.
- If there is no vending of any kind.
- If there is not an entrance fee or ticket of any kind, including pre-sales.
If any of these criteria are violated, the event will not be permitted to proceed, and you will not be issued a refund. City Security or Rochester Police Department may disperse the event and ask attendees to leave the facility. Additionally, you may be issued a code violation ticket and be prohibited from using City facilities in the future.
- Maximum occupancy is 240 with tables and chairs, or 400 for theater-style seating
- Kitchen with oven/stove (for warming only) and refrigerator
Table and Chairs
- 25 (6') round tables
- 3 (4') round tables
- 12 (8X8) folding conference tables
- 36 black chairs; 150 brown chairs
- 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. - $800 (add $150 per hour before 9 a.m. or after 9 p.m. )
- 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. - $425
- 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. - $425
- Holidays - $100 additional per day
Permit Modification/Cancellation Policy
*PERMIT MODIFICATION (CHANGES): Permittee will be required to fill out a "Permit Modification/Cancelation Request" Form at 57 St. Paul Street, at least ten (10) business days in advance of the event date for all changes. All modifications have a $10 modification fee. Please note that refunds typically take 4-6 weeks to process and will be sent out via mail to the address on the permit.
*PERMIT Cancelation: Permittee will be required to fill out a "Permit Modification/Cancelation Request" Form at 57 St. Paul St. at least thirty (30) business days in advance of the event date for all cancelations or application withdrawals. All cancelations have a $20 cancelation fee.
- All cancelations submitted thirty (30) business days in advance will be refunded 100% (minus the application fee and cancelation fee) no exceptions.
- All cancelations submitted under the thirty (30) business days will be refunded 50%.
- All cancelations submitted under ten (10) business days in advance will not be refunded.
Click here to download the Permit Modification/Cancelation request form.
Additional Charges for Failure to Comply
The permittee is responsible for adhering to the facility use policies and procedures provided during the permit application process. The City reserves the right to issue additional charges to the permittee if found to be in violation of the following general conditions:
- Any damage done to the facility – charges to the permittee will be based on assessed value of damages/damaged item(s) and the cost of repair/replacement.
- Failure to leave the facility in a clean and orderly condition - resulting in a minimum additional charge of $150 to the permittee. The City reserves the right to charge additional fees depending on the time and effort necessary to return the venue to its original condition.
- Failure of the permittee and guests to vacate the facility by the permit end time. Resulting in a minimum additional charge of $200 to the permittee. The City reserves the right to charge additional fees beyond the minimum charge at a rate of $50 for every additional 15 minutes the permittee and guests refuse to vacate the venue.
If any of the aforementioned violations occur during your permitted activity, as identified by City Security and the security checklist, charges will be immediately deducted from your credit card. Failure to pay these charges will result in the permittee losing the privilege to permit any City of Rochester facility in the future.