News Release - Mayor Evans Announces Historic Decrease in City Property Tax Rate

City of Rochester 

News Release 

Mayor Evans Announces Historic Decrease in City Property Tax Rate

Announcement Coincides with NYS Increase in STAR Tax Credits for Rochester Residents

(Tuesday, May 7, 2024) – As the City of Rochester prepares to unveil its fiscal year 2024-25 budget later this week, Mayor Malik D. Evans and a majority of City Council members today announced a citywide residential property tax rate decrease of 37.7%, from $17.84 to $11.11 per thousand, reflecting a $4.06 city property tax rate and $7.05 city school tax rate.

Mayor Evans is proposing to keep the tax levy flat for the third straight year, and with the increase in assessed values across the city, the drop in tax rate per thousand dollars of assessed value is the largest decrease in recent history.

“As we have promised from the start, the increase in property values across the city is a good thing for our residents, business owners and Rochester as a whole,” said Mayor Evans. “We are experiencing increased property values, an historic decrease in our property tax rate, and an increase in available tax credits from New York State.”

“Vice President Harris and Councilmembers Gruber, Monroe and Patterson all joined me in outlining our ‘Pact with the People’ of Rochester – calling for Safer Neighborhoods, Quality Housing and Equitable Access to Opportunity. This significant cut to the tax rate means that homeowners in our city will not face an inequitable burden from rising property values,” said City Council President Miguel Meléndez. “Equity in all we do is critical in managing Rochester’s City government, and a lower tax rate for all is an important and equitable outcome. Mayor Evans and his team have worked hard to bring this tax rate cut to benefit the people of Rochester and I thank them for their work.”

The reduction in the tax rate is a direct result of Mayor Evans’ commitment to completing a comprehensive reassessment of all properties. Had the City paused the reassessment, city homeowners would have faced an increased tax rate.

Residential property owners who saw a 60% or lower increase in their assessed value will see a decrease in total property taxes – even with an increased value. Property owners who experienced a higher than 60% increase in value may see an increase in taxes, but the increase will be lower than originally estimated given the significant decrease in the new tax rate. In addition, many property owners will benefit from increased tax credits from New York State.

As a result of the reassessment, last week, New York State confirmed that the School Tax Relief (STAR) program has significantly increased the benefit for qualified homeowners in Rochester. The Enhanced STAR credit is now $71,570 (up from $50,170), and the Basic STAR credit is now $25,560 (up from $18,490).

The 42% increase in Enhanced STAR benefits significantly reduces the tax burden on Rochester’s seniors. In addition to STAR credits, seniors and veterans can also qualify for tax exemptions.

“Now that the reassessment is complete and the tax rate calculated, we can shift our focus to ensuring that Rochester homeowners are aware of and sign up for the valuable benefits available through local and state tax credit and exemption programs,” said Mayor Evans. “We will also expand offerings from the City’s Office of Financial Empowerment to increase awareness among homeowners of the other benefits of the increased value of their properties.”

The City of Rochester’s 2024-25 fiscal year budget proposal will be unveiled on Friday, May 10, and will include the new residential tax rate of $11.11. However, the rate may adjust by one or two cents in either direction once all formal reassessment challenges are completed, including Small Claims (SCAR) actions and RPTL Article 7 Tax Certiorari proceedings. The outcomes of informal challenges and Board of Assessment Review (BAR) complaints have been decided and are included in the formula that resulted in the new lower tax rate. The final rate will be known by the time City Council votes on the new budget, in its June 2024 meeting.


The Administration of Mayor Malik D. Evans strives to create a safe, equitable and prosperous Rochester by inspiring hope and delivering opportunity for everyone. Guided by the Administration’s Mission, Vision and Values and the principles of the “Rochester 2034” comprehensive plan, City employees are committed to providing exceptional customer service, transparent stewardship, and collaborative leadership to foster a vibrant community that empowers personal, professional and generational growth for all who live, work or play in the city of Rochester.