Rochester Electrical Examining Board monthly public meeting.
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Public Information Meeting for the Water Bureau’s 2024 Water Main Lining and Lead Service Replacement Project Grant #19663
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The Board of Ethics is a seven-member board established by Section 2-18 of the City Charter and appointed by the City Council. The board renders written advisory opinions to City officers and employees with respect to the City’s Code of Ethics and Article 18 of the General Municipal Law.
Meeting resources
The Traffic Control Board regulates matters relating to traffic within the City of Rochester.
Meeting resources
Pursuant to § 120-191, Procedures approved by the Manager of Zoning, the Project Review Committee shall review all major site plans referred to it by the Manager of Zoning and make a recommendation to approve, approve subject to conditions or deny the application.
The City Council usually holds work sessions several times each month. These sessions provide an opportunity for Councilmembers to gain additional information and insight on a variety of topics and projects that impact the city of Rochester and its citizens.
Meeting resources
Meeting of the Rochester Land Bank Corporation (RLBC) Board of Directors
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The City Council usually holds work sessions several times each month. These sessions provide an opportunity for Councilmembers to gain additional information and insight on a variety of topics and projects that impact the city of Rochester and its citizens.
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The City Council holds public hearings as required by law for specific legislative items on the agenda, as well as a monthly Speak to Council session. These meetings are open to the public in order to allow an opportunity for constituents to voice their opinions, ideas, concerns or support for either legislation that the Council will be voting on that month, or any other issue that may...
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This seven-member citizen commission has jurisdiction and authority in the issuance of Special Permits, subdivision approvals, and a wide range of other matters. The Planning Commission also makes recommendations to City Council regarding Zoning Text and Map amendments.