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How to help outdoor cats in the winter

We used to think the best thing we could do for a healthy stray cat was to take him to the shelter. However, we have come to realize that the best thing is to keep him in his neighborhood. If he is lost, he is more likely to get back home with a little help from the community; and if he calls the outdoors home, he will do better if a neighbor provides him with good food, clean water, and a snug winter shelter, than stressed out in a cage at our facility. Rochester Animal Services is here to help you with that cat. And we are always available to lend a paw to sick or injured cats. Give us a call at 428-7274. Together we can provide the right resources for any cat in need. 

 Learn more at our Found A Pet and Community Cats pages or visit the Million Cat Challenge - The Cat Superhighway webinar and pathway planning.


Additional resources on how to help outdoor cats in the winter: 

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