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Office of Public Integrity

City of Rochester

Office of Public Integrity

About the Office of Public Integrity

The Office of Public Integrity (OPI) seeks to to enhance public confidence in City government by providing a means to address and investigate reports of fraud, corruption, waste, and abuse. The office also has responsibility for implementation of the City’s Code of Ethics.

Integrity violations include, but are not limited to:

  • Theft or misappropriation of City resources 
  • Falsification of official documents or reports 
  • Corruption or official misconduct, including misuse of City information, conflicts of interest or offering or accepting bribes 
  • Personal use of City-owned vehicles, equipment or supplies 
  • Conducting personal business on City time
  • Violations of City procurement policy or contract fraud
  • Tampering with government records
  • Obstructing, retaliating against or tampering with a public servant
  • The OPI may collaborate with the Bureau of Human Resources Management whenever necessary; however, OPI does not investigate routine personnel issues such as employee grievances or complaints relating to civil rights or equal employment.  

The OPI has the authority to identify and investigate concerns in all departments and agencies under the jurisdiction of the Mayor as well as any individuals or companies doing business with, or seeking to do business with the City of Rochester.  The OPI will conduct preliminary inquiries, or criminal investigations when appropriate, in partnership with federal, state and local enforcement agencies.


Office of Public Integrity

Office Hours
9 - 5 p.m.

Code of Ethics

The City of Rochester has a Code of Ethics to ensure that officers and employees of the City hold their positions to serve and benefit the public and not for personal gain or advantage. This Code of Ethics establishes clear and reasonable standards of ethical conduct by defining and prohibiting acts incompatible with the public interest and is contained in Chapter 2-18 of the City Code. 

City's Code of Ethics

OPI Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Declaration

OPI Audits

The Audit unit of OPI examines controls, compliance, and the implementation of all City offices and programs. We consult with management staff to enhance and strengthen program performance.  

We strive to maintain and, if possible, strengthen the reliability and efficiency of all City offices and employees. We concentrate on what is working and what is not, and on finding opportunities to improve our effectiveness. 

OPI Audits

OPI Annual Reports

Whistle Blower Policy

The City of Rochester has a Whistle Blower policy to safeguard all employees from retaliatory actions that could be taken against them for reporting fraud, waste, abuse, misconduct, or any alleged prohibited or illegal activity in violation of any law, rule or regulation governing employees of the City of Rochester.  

This policy is intended to protect officers and employees from retaliation who, in good faith, have reported a concern of improper governmental action. 

Whistle Blower Policy

OPI Peer Reviews

Spotlight on Rochester