Alarm Permits

Who is Required to Have an Alarm Permit?

Residents and businesses located in the city with a functioning alarm system must have an alarm permit. View the applicable section of the City Code.

New Applications

As of July 1, 2018, new alarm permits are $25. Make checks payable to the "City of Rochester."  Download an alarm application and mail or bring it to: City Clerk's Office, 30 Church Street, Room 100A, Rochester, NY 14614  


Bills for renewals are mailed from the City Clerk's Office in March and are due by April 30th of each year. Payment can be made online or by mail: City Hall, Room 100A, 30 Church Street, Rochester, NY 14614

City Businesses

Please be aware that Section 68-5 of the City Code includes the following language: "No license or permit shall be issued for a business unless all renewal fees for any alarm system owned, used, leased or operated by the business have been satisfied." 


For additional information, please feel free to call the City Clerk's Office at (585) 428-6617 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.